AMOENA | Adhesive Nipple Set


Attachable nipples are skin-friendly silicone and adhere to a breast form, breast shaper, reconstructed breast, or natural breast with a skin-friendly adhesive. The nipple completes the breast form and provides a natural look under the bra and clothing. It is ideal for women considering nipple tattoos or reconstruction.

Key Benefits

  • Fully self-adhesive for fast and easy application and removal
  • Made from soft silicone that shapes itself to the curve of the breast/breast form
  • Packaged 2 per case with Amoena Soft Cleanser

Colors:  135 Ebony NEW , 136 Ivory, 137 Almond,
138 Bronze, 139 Tawny
Sizes:  Small (1.375 in.)  Medium (1.562 in.)  Large (2 in.)

Material: PU Film, Silicone